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Richard Clarke
The PHABULOuS Pilot Line Association is delighted to appoint Richard Clarke as its new Director General. In his new role, which takes effect on 1 February 2024, Clarke’s main focus will be to guide the association beyond
the project (closing end of 2024) into a sustainable association.
Clarke is a Chartered Accountant/MBA with substantial international, commercial and M&A experience. He has spent the majority of his career in senior executive roles in technology companies involved in aerospace, electronics, optics, semiconductors and nanomaterials. His experience includes international contract negotiations, bids/tenders, licensing, M&A/joint ventures, supply/outsourcing agreements and agency/distributor agreements.
He is currently Finance Director of PowerPhotonic Limited, a manufacturer of advanced micro-optics for the laser industry, and since 2020, he has been a member of the PHABULOuS Pilot Line Association’s Executive Board.
"I am honored to be appointed as the new Director General of The PHABULOuS Pilot Line," said Clarke. "Over the past 4 years, PHABULOuS has successfully developed the infrastructure for pilot manufacturing of free-form micro-optical components. The aim now is to build on this achievement and ensure future commercial sustainability of the project.”
Clarke will be supported by Jessica van Heck who has been Managing Director of the Association for the past two years. In her new position as Chief Operating Officer, Jessica will remain in charge of daily operations and continue to support the Association in its transition phase.
As Jessica comments: “Richard brings a completely new skill set into the association and I am convinced that he is the right person to further guide the association. He has been with PHABULOuS from the beginning as a strong advocator towards collaboration in the field of free-form micro-optics and I am looking forward to continuing this journey towards a sustainable association together.”
Toralf Scharf, President of Phabulous Pilot Line Association adds: “With the PHABULOuS Pilot Line Association now firmly established, it’s time to shift up a gear and take a more market and commercialization-oriented approach. This will require strengthening selected competencies within the Association, and I am convinced that Richard is the best candidate to steer the Association's activities towards sustainable commercial success”.

Labels: EPIC,Richard Clarke,PHABULOuS Pilot Line Association

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