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Torrent Photonics Acquires Knight Optical
  • NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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  • A series of mirrors and prisms deflect lasers and focus them to perform the reaction CREDIT The University of Texas at Austin

    How Lasers and 2D Materials Could Solve the Plastics Problem

    A global research team led by Texas Engineers has developed a way to blast the molecules in plastics and other materials with a laser to break them down into their smallest parts for future reuse. The discovery, which involves laying these...
  • Artistic illustration of a neuromorphic system of waveguides carrying light CREDITCC Wanjura

    Neural Networks Made of Light

    Scientists propose a new way of implementing a neural network with an optical system which could make machine learning more sustainable in the future. The researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have published their new...
  • USDA NRCS South Dakota, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    SCAG Algorithm Uses Lidar Data to Improve Soybean Crop Outcome

    A research team has developed the SCAG algorithm for accurate branch detection and angle calculation in soybean plants using lidar data. SCAG, which stands for stratified, clustered, and growing-based algorithm, achieved high accuracy in branch...
  • Laseroptik

    Laseroptik Involved in Laser Fusion Research

    Laseroptik is one of ten selected partners in the PriFUSIO research project, which was initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and will be funded with 18 million euros over the next three years. PriFUSIO, led by...
  • Project Retina

    Project RETINA Focuses on Next-Gen Photonic Sensor Systems

    Project RETINA has been set to redefine the integration and application of photonic technologies in key sectors such as healthcare, automotive, and precision agriculture. By harnessing the potential of advanced photonics and machine learning...
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