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  • Usually, metals expand when they are heated Credit TU Wien

    The metal that does not expand

    Most metals expand when their temperature rises. The Eiffel Tower, for example, is around 10 to 15 centimetres taller in summer than in winter due to its thermal expansion. However, this effect is extremely undesirable for many technical...
  • Revolutionary millimeter-wave sensor MWS developed to non-invasively monitor respiratory motion during diagnostic X-ray and CT scans The sensor tracks respiratory cycles and confirms breath-holding, ensuring enhanced image quality during both imaging and
  • Artistic representation showing how the newly developed techniqueUltrafast Dark-field Momentum Microscopyallows both bright excitons shown in red and dark excitons shown in blue to be analysed CREDIT LUCAS KROLL

    A look into the dark

    How can the latest technology, such as solar cells, be improved? An international research team led by the University of Göttingen is helping to find answers to questions like this with a new technique. For the first time, the formation of...
  • An image of the spiral galaxy NGC 1086 obtained by the European Southern Observatorys Very Large Telescope VLT The galaxy has a distance of 47 million light-years and is one of the nearest galaxies with an active galactic nucleus

    Unprecedented View of Black Hole in Action

    Active galactic nuclei are supermassive black holes at the center of certain galaxies. As matter falls into these black holes, enormous amounts of energy are released, making active galactic nuclei, or AGN, one of the most energetic phenomena that...
  • Artists concept illustration of a photonic memory array Credit Brian Long

    A new optical memory platform for super fast calculations

    For decades there has been near constant progress in reducing the size, and increasing the performance, of the circuits that power computers and smartphones. But Moore’s Law is ending as physical limitations — such as the number of...
  • BIOGLASS MENAGERIE Graduate student Lynn Sidor prepares bacteria cells that will self-assemble their own glass coating using enzymes from sea sponges Sidor is working with biologist Anne Meyer and colleagues in optics and physics to create tiny, bacteria-

    Can Sea Sponge Biology Transform Imaging Technology?

    Beneath the ocean’s surface, simple marine animals called sea sponges grow delicate glass skeletons that are as intricate as they are strong. These natural structures are made of a material called silica—also known as...
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