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Craic 2030 PV microspectrophotometer

Craic Technologies, a specialist in microspectroscopy solutions, has added Raman microspectroscopy to its flagship product: the 20/30 Perfect Vision (PV) microspectrophotometer. Users of the 20/30 PV can now acquire Raman spectra, with multiple laser wavelengths, in addition to ultraviolet (UV)-visible-near infrared (NIR) absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence and emission microspectra, according to the company. The 20/30 PV can acquire all these types of spectra micron-scale samples rapidly and easily. It can also acquire all these spectra from the same area because it features Craic Technologies proprietary optical aperture technology. In addition, the 20/30 PV can acquire images of these same microscopic samples in the UV, visible and NIR regions.

The applications for such a multi-purpose instrument are numerous. For example, the 20/30 PV is used to develop the latest advanced materials, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, to studying various types of biological samples, including lignins and nanocrystalline cellulose, to the analysis of forensic samples and the measurement of thin-film thickness in the semiconductor industry. Giving this instrument the ability to analyse the Raman spectra of microscopic samples in addition to UV-visible-NIR and fluorescence microspectroscopy makes the 20/30 PV a strong micro-analysis tool for any laboratory or manufacturing facility.

The 20/30 PV microspectrophotometer is a self-contained unit that features UV-visible-NIR light sources, solid state lasers, true UV-visible-NIR microscopy, sensitive Lightblades spectrometers and sophisticated Lambdafire spectral and imaging software. Raman microspectroscopy is added with the Apollo Raman microspectroscopy packages. Each Apollo is a self-contained package including laser, spectrometer and hardware. All these capabilities can be integrated into the 20/30 PV microspectrophotometer and give you multiple methods to analyse microscopic samples.

Labels: Craic Technologies,microspectroscopy,Raman,ultraviolet,visible,near-infrared,imaging software

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