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Jakob Habermann

Jakob Habermann was already elected as Stefan Schaumburg's replacement candidate in the election of employee representatives to the Supervisory Board in 2022. He has been a member of the Supervisory Board of JENOPTIK AG since January 1, 2024, with membership until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2027. The Supervisory Board members elected him as Deputy Chairman. Jakob Habermann is a member of the same committees as Stefan Schaumburg, i.e. the Investment, Personnel and Mediation Committees.

The replacement had become necessary because Stefan Schaumburg retired at the end of 2023. He had been a member of the Supervisory Board since 2012 and its Deputy Chairman since October 2020.

Born in 1986, Jakob Habermann is a trade union secretary at the German IG Metall trade union’s central district management in Frankfurt/Main. After studying German, political science and educational science at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, he completed a trainee programme at IG Metall from 2013 to 2014 and has been union secretary since 2014, currently with responsibility for organizational policy, human resources, finance, membership development, social policy/self-governing bodies.

The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of JENOPTIK AG wish Jakob Habermann a successful start. With many thanks for his many years of commitment to the Supervisory Board, both boards wish Stefan Schaumburg all the best for the new phase of his life.

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