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SYMETRIE introduces SOLANO, a new ultra-compact hexapod of only 104 mm height and 120 mm diameter for precision positioning applications in industry or research.

Designed to position up to 5 kg payloads, SOLANO hexapod offers unparalleled speed of 30 mm/s and 20°/s thanks to its direct drive brushless motors.

Benefiting from SYMETRIE’s 22 years of experience in the development of high precision hexapod systems, SOLANO guarantees resolutions of 0.1 µm and 2.5 µrad as well as a travel range up to ± 18 mm in translation and ± 21° in rotation.

SOLANO hexapod works in any orientation: vertically, horizontally, or in any other orientation.

SOLANO is equipped with absolute encoders, which provides a great ease of use. It is not necessary anymore to go through undesirable motion resulting of the homing when starting the system, as the hexapod’s position is immediately known.

The hexapod is delivered with a high-performance controller and a software interface compatible with LabVIEW, EPICS, SPEC, TANGO or C. Its ergonomic software allows to virtually configurate the pivot point and to easily change the coordinates system.

Labels: Symetrie,hexapod,positioning,Solano

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