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Smart Vision Lights

Smart Vision Lights (SVL), a global leader in the design and manufacture of innovative LED illumination solutions, announces the launch of its Smart Ship 48 program, which offers 48-hour shipping for popular machine vision lighting products.

With the Smart Ship 48 program, systems integrators and OEMs who need LED illumination fast can order from a list of several different options, all of which will be available in white, red (625 nm), or infrared (850 nm) wavelength options.

“Around the globe, manufacturers and businesses of all types have faced a volatile supply chain, creating issues when it comes to sourcing the right components and products to specify, design, and integrate machine vision and automation systems,” said Dave Spaulding, President and CEO of Smart Vision Lights. “Our new Smart Ship 48 program addresses this issue by offering our customers access to popular, in-stock lighting products that will ship within two business days of an order acknowledgment.”

As part of the Smart Ship 48 program, customers will have access to an initial product list of 12 popular lighting options, including linear lights, mini linear lights, ring lights, brick lights, backlights, and narrow prox lights. A maximum quantity of 10 products can be ordered through the program each day. Several shipping options also exist, including the choice for customers to use their own shipper.

“Industrial automation technology has become nearly ubiquitous as companies seek ways to maintain productivity in the face of labor shortages and other disruptions that have surfaced over the past few years,” said Spaulding. “By launching the Smart Ship 48 program, we hope to help ease the supply chain burden faced by systems integrators today.

Smart Vision Lights (Norton Shores, Michigan) is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-brightness LED lights for industrial applications, including machine vision. Smart Vision Lights products come with universal internal current-control drivers, offering constant or strobed operation, reduced wiring requirements, and easy installation. Products are also the safest on the market thanks to the company’s in-house IEC 62741 light-testing laboratory, guaranteeing conformity and compliance for your lighting systems regardless of where they are installed around the globe.

Labels: Smart Vision Lights,lighting,light emitting diode,LED

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