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Stemmer Agreement

With the goal of strengthening its distribution across Europe and Latin America, Euresys signed a new agreement with Stemmer Imaging AG.

The agreement covers our CoaXPress and Camera Link frame grabbers as well as frame grabbers for analogue cameras.

Klaus Mählert, Product Manager at Stemmer Imaging for Euresys products, said: “Euresys is a leading and innovative high-tech company that designs and provides image and video acquisition components, frame grabbers, FPGA IP cores and software.

The Euresys product range meets many different machine vision needs.

For high speed, high-resolution applications, the Coaxlink series of CoaXPress frame grabbers offer the highest data acquisition rate in the industry. With 14 models, the Coaxlink product series offer an optimal interface range for the increasing number of new cameras with a CXP interface. PCIe frame grabbers (Gen 3 or Gen 2) with mono or up to eight CoaXPress connections are available.

With the Camera Link interface continuing to be so popular, the feature-rich Grablink series of frame grabbers are compatible with hundreds of different Camera Link cameras with Full, Medium, Base and Lite configurations. Euresys developed an Extended Camera Link Cable Operation (ECCO), which allows up to 2 times extended cable length beyond the Camera Link specification.

For secure data acquisition, Euresys offers Memento as a powerful debugging tool. It assists developers during application development and debugging, as well as system operation.

The Logic analyser feature helps users analyse selected system events.

Jean Caron, Vice President Sales & Support EMEA at Euresys, said: “Working with Stemmer Imaging is a very positive move. It reinforces the Euresys presence across Europe and South America giving easy access to our CoaXPress and Camera Link frame grabber series to machine makers and system integrators. Coupled with its extensive camera portfolio, the large Euresys frame grabber offer will enable Stemmer Imaging to always provide customers with the adapted solution for their projects.

This partnership with Stemmer Imaging is also important to provide Euresys users with high class local technical expertise as well as the ability to deliver tailored solutions, including sub-systems and customer-specific solutions for OEMs fitting perfectly with the Euresys reputation for providing leading-edge solutions and premium support to OEMs and system integrators worldwide.”

Labels: Euresys,Stemmer Imaging,image acquisition,distribution,vision,frame grabber

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